Smart Homes means Maximising Energy Savings

Smart Homes means Maximising Energy Savings

Doesn’t it seem like there’s always one room in the house or office with the light left on? Regardless of anyone is in there, the lightbulbs keep a constant glow.  In our homes, there seems to always be a certain room where we forget to turn the lights off. This is an irksome, yet preventable waste of energy and money! Future Energy feels your frustration.

Maximize energy savings while minimising effort- How?

One of most efficient and user friendly solutions to this problem is an occupancy sensor. We provide sensors for your lights, air conditioners and blinds. Any centralized household or business appliance can connect to our system. These appliances, if left to their own devices (or ours) can be passive energy wasters. This racks up energy usage and utility bills.  With occupancy sensors attached, passive use is no longer a problem.

These motion sensors detect movement.

They can turn on the lights, set the air conditioner to cool and open up the blinds when you walk into a room. Sensing a lack of movement, they turn off the lights and air conditioner or can lower the blinds back down. Forgetting to turn the bathroom light off is no longer a hassle. The sensors can be set on a timer to avoid annoying employees in offices with little movement. Installing occupancy sensors is an easy hassle free process. Installation can be done at any time during or after construction- Turning your home into a Smart Home.


Introducing the KNX solution

At Future Energy, we specialize in KNX energy controls.

These increase energy efficiency through controlling lights, HVAC, blinds and safety and security controls. The flexibility of KNX is unparalleled. You can control connected appliances by motion or even remotely from your smartphone. Imagine setting your ambient lighting in a room from your iPhone before you walk in! It has never been easier to save money and energy, and step into a greener sustainable lifestyle.

Taking steps to reduce our energy usage is essential for our planet’s future wellbeing. Most of us use up massive amounts of energy without ever thinking about it. We leave lights on, keep our computers plugged in to charge and leave appliances running. All this without a second thought.

With Future Energy’s KNX solution, we make the second thought for you. Connected appliances can be set to timer, sensor or remotely controlled. We take the onus off of you by controlling energy consuming appliances in the home or office. After easy instalment, KNX does the rest of the work while you get to feel good about it. Effortless sustainability and a greener peace of mind is something we strive to provide.

Future Energy’s KNX sensors are an easy, green and straightforward way to save on energy. Providing energy efficiency, connectivity and flexibility is our greener strength. We bring you an effortless way to decrease energy wastage. The automatic process makes energy conservation easier than ever before. Your mental to do list lessens as a result. Saving energy, saving money and saving effort—KNX sensors are the sustainable way forward.

Interested in learning more about KNX technology and the energy saving range of products we have? Get in touch with us for a free consultation.


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